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Special machinery

Our production is not fixed here at UDM, this allows us the flexibility to design custom made machinery for our customers.

Cold rolling mill

Cold rolling mill

Our cold rolling lines are designed for production of special profiles as well as rounds, squares and flats. Are units are designed following the customer specification and process needed.

Cut to length - Blanks for hot stamping

Cut to length - Blanks for hot stamping

For the stamping industry we can supply calibration pass drawing units and in exit a cut to length system. The cutting system for sizes up to approx. 30mm uses a chipless system helping to reduce wastage.



From a simple drawbench to a complete drawing line with finishing services, we are able to offer our knowledge and services to revamp all types of machinery. Our services include manufacturing of new parts, modifications and new electrical cabinets and automation systems.

Welding Hot & Cold

Welding Hot & Cold

Our range of cold pressure welder as well as electric butt welders.